【同义词辨析】 2020-06-23 激活突袭交战预防逆转(5小组一起记)

(1) 激活
vitalize: may stress the arousal of something more or less inert or lifeless, often by communicating an impetus or force: took steps to ~ the local economy; or an imparting of significance or interest to something: a set of images that ~ the story.       impetus和force都表示驱动力     vital活力的,强调能生存能生长能繁殖,energy能量能源,强调能活动能行动

energize: implies an arousing to activity or a readying for activity by an imparting of strength or a providing with a source of energy: a speech that ~d the sales force for what lay ahead.        

activate: implies a passing from an inactive to an active state and stresses the influence of an external agent in arousing to activity: a switch in the office ~s all the outdoor lights.      (如the burglar alarm is activated by movement这防盗警报器一动就会,如fumes from cooking are enough to activate the alarm烹调的油烟足以激响警报器,如the bomb was activated by remote control炸弹远程控制引爆,如the President has activated the reserves总统已启动预备役部队)

vitalize赋予活力、激活: 指使缺乏生气惰性的事物激发活力;或赋予趣味意义,energize赋予能量、激励: 强调激发行动,通过注入能量,activate启动触发: 从非工作状态迁移到工作状态

记忆方法: 1)激活的意思是激发活力生命mean to arouse to activity, animation, or life.

(2) 突袭
surprise: in technical military use may imply stragetic planning and secrecy in operations intended to catch an enemy unawares: ~d an enemy camp; but general use is more likely to suggest a chance catching unawares: police ~d a burglar leaving the house.   (aware觉察意识implies vigilance in observing and alertness in inferring from what is observed,如aware of a great number of police officers out and about觉察到外边遍布警察,如everyone needs to become more environmentally aware人人都需要有更多的环境意识)  chance偶然的随机的,没有规划设计的

waylay: commonly implies a lying in wait along a public way, often in concealment: highwaymen who ~ied all travellers; but sometimes it merely implies an intercepting and detaining: a teacher ~ied by questioning students.

ambush: tends to evoke the image of would-be attackers concealed in a thicket and is often used with reference to guerrilla warfare: he had been ~ed by rebel forces; but is equally applicable to other situations where the primary image is pertinent: ~ed by joy.   喜出望外(被欢乐"伏击")   thicket灌木丛树丛a dense group of bushes or trees,如he hid in a thicket他躲在灌木丛里)   guerrillas游击队a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting, typically against larger regular forces与正规军进行非常规作战的小军事组织,如this small town fell to the guerrillas这个小镇被游击队攻破

surprise突袭、意外: 军事上指战略计划行动隐蔽,以攻敌不备,一般情况只表示未想到,waylay拦截抢劫: 指潜藏路边等待打劫,或仅表示拦截不让走,ambush伏击: 指隐藏树丛等待攻击,多用于游击战相关比喻

记忆方法: 1)突袭的意思是意外攻击mean to attack unawares.

(3) 交战
battle: describes general and prolonged combat or can imply a major extended struggle or controversy: fighting a losing ~ for basic civility.      combat战斗打击stresses the forceful or urgent nature of actively countering something强调急促用力地打击,如combat the disease by educating the public教育公众抗击疾病           如the Battle of Waterloo/Midway滑铁卢/中途岛战役,如the battle against ageing与衰老进行斗争,如Napoleon never gives in, and that's half the battle拿破仑从不认输,这就成功了一半了     三大战役用campaign,如the Huai-Hai Campaign (Nov. 6,1948-Jan.10, 1949) was the second of the three decisive campaigns in the Chinese People's War of Liberation是解放战争中三大战役中的第二个。

engagement: stresses actual combat between forces and may apply to a major battle OR a minor skirmish; in extended uses it tends to replace the suggestion of hostility with one of interaction: sought to create an ~ between students and teachers.    如Strategic Engagement战略接触

action: stresses the active give-and-take of offensive and defensive efforts or of attaining an end or resisting a pressure: sounded the call to ~ on behalf of environmentalists.       包括了"give and take"可见比act复杂,act虽然也是行动,但表示一次性,单一的行动;activity强调"大量同时"的活动,如extra-curricular/economic activity课外/经济活动

battle战役战斗: 指较大较久的战斗或争端,engagement交战接触: 强调实际交战,或大或小,引申为互动即接触,action行动: 强调有攻有防有得有失

记忆方法: 1)交战的意思是军事交锋mean a meeting, often military, between opposing forces.

(4) 预防
prevent: implies the taking of advance measures against something possible or probable: measures taken to ~ an epidemic.  如谚语an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure一分预防胜似十分治疗   measure措施refers to an action planned or taken to achieve a desired result为取得结果而采取的行动,如cost-cutting measures降低成本措施,如resorting to desperate/extreme measures采取孤注一掷/极端的措施
anticipate: may imply a getting ahead of another by being a precursor or forerunner or the checking of another's intention by acting first: ~d the firing so she decided to quit first.   precursor是开辟道路的先驱,forerunner泛指任何先驱            anticipate仅表示"抢先、比对方先采取行动",不一定是check another's intention阻止对方,因此后半部分没有译出
forestall: implies a getting ahead so as to stop or interrupt something in course or to render something ineffective or harmless: a government order that effectively ~ed a free election.       如she forestalled their attempt她先发制人, 阻止了他们的企图
prevent预防避免: 指预先采取措施避免,anticipate预先行动: 指比对方先采取行动,forestall预先阻止: 特指预先阻止打断

记忆方法: 1)预防的意思是预先处置mean to deal with beforehand.

(5) 逆转
reverse: may imply change in order, side, direction, or meaning: ~d his position on the arms agreement.   (如the court reversed his conviction法庭撤销了对他的定罪,如reverse oneself/the policy改变自己主张/政策,如the reverse of the coin硬币反面,in reverse order序,he didn't feel homesick—quite the reverse恰恰相反,他根本不想家)

transpose: implies a change in order or relative position of units often through exchange of position: anagrams are formed by ~ing the letters of a word or phrase.

invert: applies to a change from one side to another by a turning upside down or inside out: a typo consisting of a whole line of ~ed type.

reverse逆转: 泛指改变顺序方面方向意义等,transpose换位转置: 指各单元互换位置,invert逆转: 指完全逆转,使上下里外颠倒

记忆方法: 1)逆转的意思是转到相反位置mean to change to the opposite position.